Friday, 27 May 2011

Water Colour Drawing

I made this simple drawing using water colour.
The main colour that I used were deep yellow, green and red.
I tried to portray the light from the right side.
One of art component here is line - straight, curved, round and wavy.
The drawing is a 2 dimensional perspectives.

The following simple steps was how i complete this water colour drawing:
  1. Prepare your equipments: drawing book, water colour, brush, a cup of water and sponge.
  2. Colour the background using sponge: i used light blue.
  3. Let it dried for few minutes.
  4. Start drawing the vase in the middle and then the other two at the sides.
  5. Colour the items using light colour first, then fine tune it with darker as the shadow.
  6. Complete it with drawing the apple in the front
Remember about geometrical balance, spaces, source of light and variety of each items.

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